Chair Demaree called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM. All members present, including the Administrative Manager; members of the public in attendance were Joseph Gross and Eleanor Stone.
Secretary/Treasurer Parks moved to approve the January meeting minutes. Director Dawson seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed. Secretary/Treasurer Parks moved to approve the outstanding bills and financial statements, including a Recent Transaction List and a Profit/Loss Statement. Vice-Chair Dalling seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.
Chair Demaree updated the board on the 2ndAnnual Resort District conference call, held by the Big Sky Resort Tax district. Because of the constituent questions about possibly increasing the tax rate to help the school with their budget, Chair Demaree inquired about lobbying costs related to the last Penny Tax bill. Big Sky reported that it cost them approximately $70,000 with the bill failing by one vote. After the call, Gardiner’s district was contacted by the Mayor of Virginia City who was asking if Gardiner intended to pursue the issue in the future. The board agreed that Chair Demaree would reach out toother districts to see if there was any interest in pursuing the issue in the next legislative session.
Secretary/Treasurer Parks updated the board on the upcoming audit for 2017. Due to increased collections, the district is once again required to have a full and complete audit done; the audit will most likely be completed sometime in April.
Chair Demaree updated the board on the upcoming election. There are three open seats and currently three people running (Richard Parks, Rebecca Demaree and Eleanor Stone) therefore an election will not need to held. Write-ins are open until March 5th however.
Chair Demaree called for new business. There was no new business to discuss. Chair Demaree called for public comment. Joseph Gross asked whether people who live out-of-town could somehow be allowed to vote. Secretary/Treasurer Parks said that is not an option unless the Montana legislature made a change to the Montana code.
The next regular meeting will be held on March 12th at 7:00 PM at the Gardiner Chamber visitor center. Director Dawson moved to adjourn the meeting. Vice-Chair Dalling seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.