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December 10th, 2020

Updated: Feb 27, 2023

Chair Parks called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. All members were present, including the Administrative Manager; members of the public in attendance included (but not limited to) the following: Bob Kopeland, JoLynn Sharrow, Nico Wood-Kos, Steve Koontz, Paul Lyman, Josh Wells, Sabina Strauss and Hunter Hepburn.

Administrative Manager Bush presented the November meeting minutes. Vice-Chair Dalling moved to approve the corrected November minutes, noting one error had been corrected. Director Gerdes seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed. Administrative Manager Bush presented the current expenses and financial reports for the month. Manager Bush explained one additional expense, an invoice received at the last minute. Secretary/Treasurer Stone moved to approve the current expenses and financial reports. Director Fuhrmann seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.

In Old Business, Chair Parks and Secretary/Treasurer Stone updated the Board on the results of the Special Election regarding the additional 1% resort tax. 292 votes were cast, with 231 in favor and 61 against the measure, therefore the measure passed. Chair Parks noted that was just under a 54% turnout which he recalls being remarkably like when the original resort tax

election was held.

Chair Parks welcomed the public to the meeting, explaining that members of the Board can make motions on any of the existing applications. Secretary/Treasurer reported that the District has $336,229.00 available funds for new 2020 appropriations. Rollover applications from 2019 are also being considered. The following motions were made: Vice-Chair Dalling moved to approve all rollover applications from 2019. Secretary/Treasurer Stone seconded the motion. Comments were made supporting these as “worthy” projects that had understandable complications getting them completed. They were initially awarded in good faith; groups should be given the time needed to complete them. All voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.

Vice-Chair Dalling moved to approve the full request of $170,000 to the Gateway HoseCompany for a new engine. Secretary/Treasurer Stone seconded the motion. Comments were made regarding the critical need for new fire engines and the benefits to public safety. This project was proposed for the additional 1% but was denied. Funding this application in full should be considered. All voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.

Chair Parks moved to approve $25,000 of the $50,000 requested by the Park County Airport Board and moved to give the remaining balance $141,229.00 to the Gardiner Water & Sewer water main replacement project. The motion was not seconded. Motion died.

Secretary/Treasurer Stone moved to approve $80,000 of NYEF’s Teacher Housing Initiative. Director Gerdes seconded the motion. Comments included consultant hired last year determined housing to be the largest concern for Gardiner; infrastructure was original need when resort tax began; is this funding a real estate project; this application is only a fraction of the cost needed; housing is needed to keep school going; housing for teacher has been a concern of the school district for decades; will the town continue without improved housing; parameters could be set on this appropriation; attorney has seen all the applications and did not see any legal issues with this one. Three board members (Dalling, Fuhrmann, Stone) voted in favor, one opposed (Parks) and one abstention (Gerdes). Motion passed.

Director Gerdes moved to approve Park County Airport Board’s application for $50,000. Secretary/Treasurer Stone seconded the motion. Comments included that this would fund only a small part of the project; runway is used for emergency services and large community events, used by National Park Service EMS and Fire; airport is only access to Gardiner in the event of a slide in Yankee Jim Canyon, National Park Service is unable to contribute. Four votes in favor (Gerdes, Dalling, Parks, Stone), one opposed (Fuhrmann). Motion passed. Director Fuhrmann moved to approve $100,000 of the Gardiner Water & Sewer application. Director Gerdes seconded the motion. Comments included completing this project will be of benefit to the community, resort taxes should be used to reduce the financial burden on the residents to complete infrastructure needed by the tourists. Four votes in favor (Fuhrmann, Gerdes, Stone, Parks), one opposed (Dalling). Motion passed.

Chair Parks stated that because they had already over-appropriated, he was now opening all of these motions for Board discussion. Much discussion ensued, with members giving their thoughts and ideas of where to cut/shift.

Vice-Chair Dalling moved to approve $36,229.00 for the Gardiner Water & Sewer Application. Secretary/Treasurer Stone seconded the motion. Director Fuhrmann noted that approximately $60,000 was needed to complete schedules 1 and 2 of the project. Three votes in favor (Stone, Dalling, Fuhrmann) and two opposed (Parks, Gerdes). Motion passed.

Director Gerdes moved to approve NYEF’s Housing application for $56,229.00 along with the Gardiner Water & Sewer application for $60,000. Chair Parks seconded the motion. No further discussion was needed. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed.

Chair Parks stated that after much discussion and calculations the money has been spent and called for a summarizing motion. Vice-Chair Dalling moved to approve the following: Gateway Hose Company $170,000

Gardiner Water & Sewer $60,000

NYEF Housing $ 56,229

Park County Airport $ 50,000 Director Fuhrmann seconded the motion. No further discussion was needed. All voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.

Secretary/Treasurer Stone questioned Jolynn Sharrow and Bob Kopeland, members of the public with regards to the Gateway Hose Company’s application asking why they did not ask for the full amount needed for the new fire engine. Their response was to be fair to the community and all the other groups in Gardiner who work to support the town.

A brief recess was held at 8:30 PM. The meeting resumed at 8:40 PM.

In additional Old Business, Secretary/Treasurer Stone updated the Board with regards to VRBO/Avalara collections.

In New Business, Secretary/Treasurer updated the Board there was some confusion regarding Director Fuhrmann’s term in office. He may need to run in May 2021, but this will get clarified with Park County. Next, Secretary/Treasurer Stone reminded the Board of her email with the draft of the 2021 Operating Budget for the district. This will be up for discussion at the January meeting. Finally, Secretary/Treasurer Stone led a discussion regarding how to advertise the additional 1%. It was decided an update will be posted to the website stating as of January 1st, all reservations made for the 2021 season should include the 4% tax. Park County will be making an official announcement. Secretary/Treasurer Stone will work with the Admin Manager to draft a letter to go out to all current registered businesses with the district. Director Gerdes will work on updating the District’s website to include all pertinent information regarding this change to 4%.

There was no public comment.

The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 12th at 7:00 PM. This meeting will be another virtual meeting, via the Zoom platform. Director Gerdes moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:01 PM. Director Fuhrmann seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.

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